Do you know what is an Operating System?
Before we go any further into Unix or Windows operating system, you have to be clear about what’s an operating system. Operation system, or normally known as OS, is a platform for your computer to work. The infamous Windows owned by Bill Gates Microsoft is an OS, Apple’s Mac is another.
OS has to be installed on your computer before any other software. The operating system is so important that it takes care of almost all the basic operation on your computer: from shutting down the PC to handling the memory to coordination among hardwares.
Now in case you not know, not just that your personal computer needs an OS.
Your web hosting server needs one too! (surprise? duh…) In the world of web hosting OS, there’re two major players, namely Unix and Windows.
We shall have a look on them in details.
Unix: Linux & FreeBSD
While there are more than 80% of the PCs runs on Windows; there aren’t so much running on servers. Instead, web hosting server are normally runs on Unix base. Reason Unix is so popular is because that the OS is an open source operting system – thus free to use.
The 2 most popular variations are Linux and FreeBSD.
Windows Server
What you need to know: Unix or Windows?
You should always go for a Unix web host unless you have some specific requirements that require Windows platform.
Not only Unix is more powerful and secure in networking but it is also cheaper because Unix is *FREE*! If a web host setup their servers to run Windows 2003, he will need to purchase the license from Microsoft and this will increase the hosting price.
You will need a Windows host if you want to use some Windows-only features. The most common are ASP, ASP.NET, ColdFusion, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, etc. If you have never heard of any of these application, you most probably won’t need a Windows host.
Cut it short, ASP, ASP.NET and ColdFusion are scripting language. Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Access are databases.
So, Unix or Windows hosting? The answer is simple and direct: Unix. Get Unix web hosting whenever is possible.