Having personalized email account on own domain is a big plus point for any individual business owner or a group. Many of the webhosting companies offer email hosting as an additional feature, but in some cases, there’s a dire need of dedicated email hosting, i.e. if you’re running an organization with multiple departments.
This helps increasing the efficiency and decreasing the dependability, and can either be done by managing in-house servers or outsourcing the email hosting.
So there’re three possible ways for sending and receiving emails under your own domain name, and they’re:
- Email hosting service offered by your webhost as an additional feature.
- Outsourcing Email hosting to an Email hosting specialist
- Managing in-house servers
The above three options have their own advantages and disadvantages, i.e. managing an inhouse server can work best, but managing it is a big pain. Similarly, outsourcing email hosting solves the issue of in house server management but finding the best one need a careful look.
Necessary Features for a good Email Hosting
Finding a good Email host can become easy if one checks and ensures the availability of following basic features:
Solution For Spam Emails
Sometimes, spammers attack your domain with tons of junk emails that is the main reason for the decrease in efficiency, so make sure that the service provider has good spam assassination/filter, and it’s easy to use.
You May Need Email Forwarding
Email forwarding is also known as email redirect. For instance, you have “[email protected]” and you want all emails on this address to be delivered to “[email protected]” and “[email protected]”, you’ll need to set up a redirect here. Don’t forget to check it while selecting an Email host.
You May Need Autoresponders
Before going to select an Email host, you also need to know about autoresponders. This option basically allows you to send a prewritten message as a reply of some specific queries asked by users, i.e. a user contacts you from contact page and checks the “Prices” category, and then he’ll be replied with an automatic message stating prices and other details.
You May Need Creating Mailing Lists
Availability of mailing lists option is a must for organizations with multiple departments. It allows you to deliver a message to multiple users using a single email address, i.e. there is [email protected] and it contains the list of all employees in Business Development Department. While making a decision for Email host, must ensure that you can create and edit email lists on your domain.