How to Install Let’s Encrypt Free SSL on Linux VPS server

Let’s Encrypt is a new SSL Certificate Authority ( SSL Certificate Provider) that provides you with a totally free and absolutely unlimited SSL Certificate, which you use for as many domains as you like, Both forms of SSL Wildcard. It lets you convert from to for free.

How to install Let’s Encrypt Free SSL

To get started
You will need to install GIT on your Linux Ubuntu, Debian

On Ubuntu and Debian follow this
apt-get update
apt-get install git-all

RedHat, CentOS

yum update
yum install git-all

Proceed with installation
The installation process is as follows:

mkdir ~ / src -> Create the source archive directory
cd ~ / src → Go to the newly created src directory
git clone -> Download source let's encrypt about
cd letsencrypt -> go to letsencrypt directory
chmod g + x letsencrypt-auto -> Authorize permissions for letsencrypt-auto file
./letsencrypt-auto -> proceed with the installation

It will take some time for let’s encrypt the update and install the dependencies.

Use Let’s Encrypt
Once Let’s Encrypt has finished installing, you can issue the certificate in a snap.

For Apache2
Stop apache2 service.
Then run LetsEncrypt:


Let Let Encrypt know that we are using Apache to automate the installation process. It informs Let’s Encrypt our email address, and let Let’s Encrypt know the domain name that we want to certify.

You can use any domain you want after -d . Let’s Encrypt will automate the whole process and add the appropriate lines of code to your domain configuration file.

For Nginx
Let’s Encrypt when working with Nginx will be likely to crash, so you should back up the data before running LetsEncrypt.
After backing up, you should stop the nginx service and run the following command:

./letsencrypt-auto certonly [email protected] -d YOURDOMAIN.COM -d SUB.YOURDOMAIN.COM

This will create the certificate file in the directory behind /etc/letsencrypt/live/YOURDOMAIN.COM.

Let Let Encrypt work for your domain, you need to edit the configuration file. Example:

nano / etc / nginx / sites-enabled / default

In the configuration file, make sure that Nginx server is listening on port 443 and that the path of the certificate file is properly declared.

Your configuration file should look like this:

server {
    listen 443;

    root / usr / share / nginx / www;
    index index.html index.htm;

   ssl on;
   ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
   ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/;

Save the file, restart nginx.

Then run the domain name in the browser. If you see the word https, you are right.

This is a tutorial for Server. If you want to see hosting instructions, please click to Install Free SSL forever from Let’s Encrypt to cPanel hosting

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